Shake the Change – Festival swing plesa in koncerti skupine Reverent Juke ter Icy Isabella Jazz Band

Shake The Change je 3-dnevni plesni festival, ki se bo odvijal v Radovljici, enem najbolj slikovitih in očarljivih mest v Sloveniji, znanem po sončnem vremenu in ročno izdelani čokoladi.
Poleg številnih plesnih aktivnosti, bodo v okviru festivala, v starem mestnem jedru Radovljice, med petkom 16.6. ter nedeljo 18.6., med 20h in 24h, zazveneli trije koncerti jazz glasbe. Koncerte si bodo lahko ogledali in jim prisluhnili vsi naključni obiskovalci Radovljice, kot tudi njeni prebivalci. V petek in soboto bodo nastopili Reverent jukes iz Belgije, ena najboljših jazz zasedb mednarodne swing plesne scene, v nedeljo pa nas bo v svet jazza popeljala domača zasedba, Icy Isabella Jazz band! Le-to sestavljajo vrhunski slovenski jazz glasbeniki in improvizatorji!
Obisk večernega dogodka bo seveda brezplačen in javnega značaja. Vstopnic ne bo! V okviru vsega glasbenega dogajanja, si bodo lahko obiskovalci ogledali tudi številne plesne točke, nastope ter plesna tekmovanja, kjer bodo na živo glasbo zaplesali odlični swing plesalci.
Več o festivalu si lahko preverete na:
Bodisi ste plesni navdušenci, plesni poznavalci, plesni raziskovalci ali pa samo radovedni ljubitelji dobre glasbe, pridružite se nam junija in zaplešite z nami!
Shake The Change is a 3-day dance festival that will take place in Radovljica, one of the most picturesque and charming towns in Slovenia, known for it’s sunny weather and handmade chocolate.
In addition to numerous dance activities, the main attraction will be the evening festival events! They will take place in the old town center of Radovljica, between Friday 16th of June and Sunday 18th of June, from 8 pm till midnight! The highlights of all three evenings will be jazz music concerts, performed by two excellent jazz bands. Reverent Jukes from Belgium, one of the best jazz bands in the international swing dance scene, will perform on Friday and Saturday. On Sunday, visitors will be able to attend the performance of a Slovenian band called Icy Isabella Jazz Band, a group, consisting of top-tier Slovenian jazz musicians and improvisers! There will be no attendance fee, all evening events will be open to the public. No entrance tickets are required! In addition to all three concerts, visitors will also be entertained by numerous dance performances and dance competitions where excellent swing dancers will dance to live music.
You can find out more about the festival at
If you love dancing and a good music concert, visit Shake The Change and have fun!